Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"Michael Phelps", "Secret Service", and How To Redeem Your Good Name

So, you made a mistake. A big one. Maybe you were caught laundering money to a terrorist-like group (woops, nope, that's "Revenge"). Or you slept with your married ex-boyfriend in an elevator (Carrie Bradshaw. Hello.) Whatever it is you did, your name has been dragged through the mud and no $9.99 wash can make it look brand new again. Or so it seems.

We've all been there. We've even seen celebrities and American icons blow it all on small, fragments of fun. Michael Phelps smoked some hoo-ha after his gold medal. Now - a full four years later - reporters claim: "On the Road to Redemption: Can Phelps Take London After an Embarrassing Fall?" Even not-so-famous people are doing the wrong things. Secret Service proved they weren't so secret after all when they were caught with a hmm-hmm outside of a hotel room. "The incident does not reflect a systematic problem." Meh-okay. But there is something that they - and you - have in common: you can redeem yourself! Amend! Atone! Absolve! (thank you, Webster). That's right. Simple things you can do to put your name back in bright lights. Or at least a shameless one: 

1. Perpetuate a good deed, whether it be in a printed newspaper or a newsfeed status. There is nothing more annoying than seeing people immortalize their mundane routine on social networks, but the only thing they need to do is read a few words. So, make sure it's short, sweet, and to-the-point. Example: "Fun day with the pound puppies!" [insert a picture of you playing with the local dachshunds or bulldogs. Everyone loves puppy bulldogs.] There's also nothing bad about helping our animal and human society. 

2. Visit your grandparents - because they will always love you no matter what. To them, you are still the wide-eyed, nose-picking grandson or granddaughter who can do no wrong. And is it just me or is it whenever you meet an older person, you automatically talk in higher pitches and ask questions like "You got that?" or "Can I help you?" Just me? Just me. But visit them anyway. If it doesn't work then at least you got a great family visit out of it. And if you're really lucky, a crisp, five-dollar bill.  

3. Keep your mouth shut. For awhile anyways. Danny Tanner told Michelle: "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all." It's the opposite of gambling; you won't lose anything if you have nothing on the table! You want it to turn to craps again? No? Then do nothing but watch that ball on the roulette wheel, baby, cause it ain't worth it.

Absolute Last Resort:
4. Change your name. Think of it as re-inventing yourself rather than giving up. You've always loved the name since you were little so why not make that dream come true. "Yes, that says Princess Jasmine."

I was kidding about the name change. About the whole thing really. So, you made a mistake. Big deal. Chances are you'll make another one. Did you learn from it? Well, then that's all you need. Reporters may write about it four years later or you may get fired from your job, but everyone's choices are 50/50. And everyone knows that in Vegas those are the best odds. But, seriously, no gambling. That only leads to trouble.


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